Architecture, Religion and Society in Asian Christian Churches

From Colonialism to Inculturation


  • Victorino Pérez Prieto Independent researcher



Colonization, Inculturation, Matteo Ricci, Vatican II, Sacred Architecture


The relationship among architecture, religion and society is present in the sacred spaces of Christianity and the numerous Eastern religions. But the Eastern Christian temples have been marked marked by the colonial Western style. The inculturation is a fundamental presupposition for the announcement of Christianity, but it has been marked mainly by colonization and imposition of Christian-European culture. You will see here the honorable exceptions by Matteo Ricci and Roberto de Nobili. Thanks to the impetus given by the Vatican II, the Church understood better its mission to bring the Christian message to the peoples of Asia doing so from within its cultural forms: internal (thought, spirituality) and external (language, rites, architecture...) However, it remains a challenge for Christian architecture in Asia. The foundations for such architecture are already laid, but the dialogue architecture-religion-society in the East still has a long way to go, allowing oneself to be taught by them, by their religious and cultural values.


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Author Biography

Victorino Pérez Prieto, Independent researcher

Victorino Pérez Prieto (1954). PhD in Theology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca-UPSA and PhD in Philosophy with a Master in Current Issues in Philosophy from the University of Santiago de Compostela-USC. He has taught at the universities of A Coruña, Santiago, San Buenaventura-Bogotá and Universidad de la Salle-Madrid; and has given courses and lectures at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo and other universities in Spain, Italy and various Latin American countries.
He has worked mainly on themes of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, ecotheology, liberation and Western and Eastern spirituality. He has published more than twenty individual books and more than fifty in collaboration. The latest are: "The Search for Harmony in Diversity. Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue since the Second Vatican Council" (2014); "Ecological Spirituality. A new way of conceiving God and our relationship with him and the world" (2014), "Panikkarian Dictionary" (2016), "Prisciliano un cristâo livre" (2017) and "Buddhism and Christianity in dialogue" (2018).


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How to Cite

Pérez Prieto, V. (2021). Architecture, Religion and Society in Asian Christian Churches: From Colonialism to Inculturation. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 8, 50–63.