The magnificent discretion

The Chapel of the Virgin of Pilar of Miguel Fisac in the Manila Cathedral


  • Rafael Ángel García-Lozano Catholic University of Avila



Miguel Fisac, Manila, Cathedral, Chapel of the Virgen del Pilar, Reconstruction


After World War II and the reconstruction of the Philippines, the Spanish government became involved in a new renovation —the eighth— of the Manila Cathedral. Miguel Fisac, with the help of the Dominican Fathers, came to the capital to give lectures on the reconstruction of the country at the University of Santo Tomas. However, one of the products of his stay was his appointment as consulting architect for the new archdiocesan headquarters and the Spanish economic commitment to finance one of the cathedral chapels. The intervention, designed by Miguel Fisac, speaks of the magnificence of discretion and the subtlety of the program and execution. Despite Fisac’s prominence in the cathedral complex, the chapel of the Virgin of Pilar designed by him is the elegant and restrained singing of the imprint of 20th century Spanish architecture in Manila.


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Author Biography

Rafael Ángel García-Lozano, Catholic University of Avila

Rafael Ángel García-Lozano (Zamora, 1979) holds a PhD degree in Art History from the University of Valladolid, a Bachelor`s degree in Theology and a Bachelor`s degree in Ecclesiastical Studies from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and a teacher´s diploma from the University of Salamanca. He has received the Extraordinary End of Career Award in 2004, the Extraordinary Degree Award in Salamanca in 2011 and the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize in 2016. He has been a professor at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and currently at the EUM Fray Luis of the Catholic University of Avila. His line of research focuses on contemporary Spanish religious architecture during the 20th century, as well as other areas of art history, heritage and pastoral theology, seeking faith-culture dialog. He recently published the joint work of the Universidad Laboral de Zamora (UPSa, 2019) and Architecture and Art of Religious Orders in Zamora (IEZ, 2020).


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How to Cite

García-Lozano, R. Ángel. (2021). The magnificent discretion: The Chapel of the Virgin of Pilar of Miguel Fisac in the Manila Cathedral. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 8, 64–77.