Modernity and contemporaneity in dialogue with the heritage

The life of two worship spaces in Lisbon: Santa Isabel’s church and Rato’s chapel




contemporary art, liturgical organization, parish church, student’s chapel, Vatican II


Since the 1960s, the artistic and architectural interventions carried out in the church of Santa Isabel and Rato Chapel, in Lisbon, brought to the debate the overlap of different narratives in these two different spaces of worship: the first, is a parish church preserved by the earthquake of Lisbon (1755), which had its liturgical space redesigned before the Second Vatican Council; the second, is a private chapel annexed to a 18th century palace that became a symbolic worship space for students and engaged young professionals since the 1970s. Enriched with the work of either well-known artists or, sometimes, anonymous architects, the two case studies show us the life of monuments, where Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture participate in preserving and enhancing their cultural value. At the same time, the liturgical and pastoral activities are shown to be the engine behind successive interventions.


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Author Biography

João Luís Marques, Porto University

João Luís Marques, architect at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, with the final test «In my Father's house there are many addresses - reflections on the organization of the liturgical space, Portuguese experiences of the 20th century» (2006). In 2010 he joined the doctoral program, choosing as a research field - religious architecture - the scientific area in which he has participated, promoting meetings and research projects. Since 2013 he has been a researcher at the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, also collaborating with the Center for the Study of Religious History at the Catholic University, since 2015. In 2017 he obtained the degree of Doctor in Architecture - Theory, Project, History by the same FAUP defending the thesis «The church in the city, service and reception, Portuguese architecture 1950-1975» prepared under the supervision of Professor Marta Oliveira. He is invited assistant professor in the course of History of Portuguese Architecture, from MIarq-FAUP.


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How to Cite

Marques, J. L. (2020). Modernity and contemporaneity in dialogue with the heritage: The life of two worship spaces in Lisbon: Santa Isabel’s church and Rato’s chapel. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 7, 158–169.