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  • István Eszterhás
  • George Szentes
István Eszterhás
George Szentes
Vol. 37 (2013), Articles, Páxinas 11-36
Recibido: jul. 10, 2018 Aceito: jul. 10, 2018 Publicado: dez. 9, 2013
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The about 4000 km2 Bakony Mountains form the most extensive region of the Trans-Danubien Mountains between Lake Balaton and Marcal River. They have a typical medium relief, including plateaux of various heights, and denudated fault blocks interspersed with inter mountain basins. In the southern and western areas of the mountains, basalt cones and basaltic sheets are frequently found. In the central area, the variously sloping landscape is inclined towards the blocks. Limestone and dolomite predominate, and there are extensive karst regions and numerous karst caves. Of course, from the point of view of the non-karstic caves, these regions are insignificant. Significantly smaller is the occurrence of quartziferous (sandstone and conglomerate) and basalt rocks, however 147 non-karstic cave are known in these rocks and, in addition, 35 artificial cavities, considered as caves, are listed. The authors describe the geology, the geomorphology and the non-karstic cave development of the Bakony Mountains. Furthermore, typical examples of the caves have been selected and presented according to the different rock formations and development types.


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