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Eva Vidal Vázquez
Centro Interdisciplinar de Química e Bioloxía (CICA), Universidade da Coruña (UDC), A Coruña, España
Irene Varela Vila
Centro Interdisciplinar de Química e Bioloxía (CICA), Universidade da Coruña (UDC), A Coruña, España
Eliana Marcela Cárdenas Aguiar
Centro Interdisciplinar de Química e Bioloxía (CICA), Universidade da Coruña (UDC), A Coruña, España
Marcos Lado Liñares
Centro Interdisciplinar de Química e Bioloxía (CICA), Universidade da Coruña (UDC), A Coruña, España
Antonio Paz González
Centro Interdisciplinar de Química e Bioloxía (CICA), Universidade da Coruña (UDC), A Coruña, España
Vol. 45 (2023), Articles, pages 59-74
Submitted: Nov 30, 2023 Accepted: Dec 15, 2023 Published: Dec 22, 2023
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A geostatistical analysis of macroelements (P, K, Ca, Mg), microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) and heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb) extracted with the solution Mehlich-3 was carried out at the microplot scale in a vineyard of the Ribeiro area, Ourense, Spain. The data set studied consisted of 80 samples collected along five transects, with 16 points per transect and a distance between neighbouring points of 0.8 m. The elements extracted with Mehlich-3 presented a spatial dependency, which was described by means of spherical models, except for Mn that fitted an exponential model. The adjusted semivariograms showed a strong spatial dependency, except for Zn and Pb, which exhibit moderate spatial dependency. Therefore, it was verified that the elements extracted with Mehlich-3 can present an important spatial variability even at small distances. The kriging maps showed important differences regarding the spatial distribution, between the zones of the microplot and between the elements studied. It has to be emphasized that the spatial distribution of cationic macronutrients (K, Ca and Mg) turned out to be highly dependent upon the position of the rows and the streets of the vineyard; in this way these three elements showed lower concentration in the surroundings of the row, which may be attributed to the withdrawal of such elements by the plant.


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