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Jorge León Casero
Universidad de Zaragoza
José María Castejón Esteban
Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol. 10 (2020), Articles, pages 62-83
Submitted: Oct 4, 2019 Accepted: Dec 4, 2020 Published: Dec 31, 2020
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According to Michel Foucault and Peter Sloterdijk, architecture is a set of techniques and material devices whose objective is to produce domesticated subjects according to a specific type of power. The architecture of disciplinary power aims to produce homogeneous individuals in accordance with an ideal norm defined a priori through linear and univocal spatial rituals. Instead, the architecture of biopolitical power uses the interconnection of spaces and programmatic indeterminacy with the aim of making people’s freedom work as a means of productive self-domestication. Given that educational architecture is one of the main architectural categories involved in the production of subjects, we analyze three paradigmatic projects —Sant’Elia school by Giuseppe Terragni, Aldo Rossi school in Broni and OMA’s McCormick Tribune Campus Center— which show how architecture ritualizes the behavior of its users.


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