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Oscar Linares de la Torre
Vol. 13 (2023), Articles, pages 28-47
Submitted: Dec 29, 2022 Accepted: Oct 19, 2023 Published: Dec 31, 2023
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This article addresses the need to contemplate the spatial nature of the urban phenomenon: what characterizes the urban phenomenon from the perspective of spatial delineation? What distinguishes urban planning from architecture in spatial terms? Can we establish bridges, points of contact, or equivalences between urban space and architectural space? This reflection does not intend to exhaust itself in an academic and self-absorbed rhetoric. Rather, it aims to establish the foundation for a fundamental and well-founded thinking that restores the architect to a leading role in the conception of the urban phenomenon. Today, cities and territories face numerous and challenging issues, where it is common and necessary for urban planning to draw upon other areas of knowledge. However, one must not forget the inseparable spatial nature of the urban phenomenon.


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