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Plácido Lizancos Mora
Escola de Arquitectura. Universidade da Coruña (España).
Vol. 6 (2016), Articles, pages 125-143
Submitted: Nov 22, 2015 Accepted: Feb 5, 2016 Published: Jun 14, 2016
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The experience here described comes out of from a professional commission from a consortium of agencies of a unique architectonic project: designing an instrument to build development nowadays in a preindustrial community with aboriginal features.

Taking responsibility as architects of the first exogenous strokes of a human collectively puts us away from the usual coordinates of professional career.

In this paper it is narrated the complete process of an architectonic action which we are going to call because of convention: project.

We will explain here all the vicissitudes, from its formulation phase to the testing of the obtained results and defining the following steps to take.


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