Can Spanish cooperation become feminist?


  • MARÍA CASTRO SERANTES a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:10:"Cooperante";}



cooperation, development, feminism, development workers


This text tries to explain, from my experience as a development worker, the main challenges of the Spanish cooperation system in order to implement a feminist cooperation policy, taking advantage of the announced reform of the international cooperation system. Although the work on gender equality is one of the hallmarks of Spanish cooperation, its aesthetic use has been increasing in recent years, as in other sectors, coinciding with the fact that feminism has become fashionable and international cooperation has lost weight in society, in the world. This is compounded by several structural problems of official cooperation which affect the entire system and have been exposed for decades, without any concrete reforms to solve them. The model of international cooperation for development and humanitarian action that Spain is committed to depends on this. The disavowal of expert knowledge, both in cooperation and gender equality, are at the base of the challenges to be overcome. To implement feminist cooperation, it is necessary that feminism permeates within the organizations and that development workers have a greater voice in the cooperation system.


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How to Cite

CASTRO SERANTES, M. (2024). Can Spanish cooperation become feminist?. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 9(2), 02–28.



Special Issue