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Lorena Añón Loureiro
a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:38:"Universidade de Santiago de Compostela";}
María Lameiras Fernández
Miguel Clemente
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023), Free theme articles, pages 187-211
Submitted: Mar 14, 2023 Accepted: May 26, 2023 Published: Jul 28, 2023
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This article presents part of the results of a broader investigation on the narratives and social support networks of women who have survived the prostitution system. Specifically, it focuses on the situations experienced by these women, as they express their opinions, feelings, and comparisons to describe their experiences in prostitution. The study is feminist in nature and based on qualitative methodology and the socio-critical paradigm. The general objective of the article is to analyze the experiences of women in prostitution contexts, including their feelings, opinions, and perceptions. To achieve this objective, narrative interviews were conducted with nine prostituted women. As the main results and conclusions, it should be noted that the participating women perceived tight control in prostitution contexts and that sexist violence occurred. All the participants shared that their experiences in prostitution had negative impacts on their biopsychosocial health, with a focus on psychological damage.


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