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  • Tasia Aránguez Sánchez
Tasia Aránguez Sánchez
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021), Special Issue, pages 165-189
Submitted: Nov 12, 2020 Accepted: Sep 15, 2021 Published: Dec 31, 2021
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In this paper we classify the regulatory frameworks that have been developed in different countries in the subject of pornography, trying to draw an analogy with the well-known division of the legal frameworks for prostitution (prohibitionist, abolitionist and liberal). The aim of the study is to offer insight into the theoretical paradigms underlying the different regulations and move towards those policies that are consistent with the abolitionist agenda in relation to pornography. Abolitionism argues that prostitution and pornography are both part of an industry that has been built on the exploitation and abuse of women. An abolitionist legislative framework that protects women's rights must be embraced.


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