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Amneris Chaparro
a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:47:"Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Género";}
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021), Special Issue, pages 136-164
Submitted: Aug 30, 2020 Accepted: Nov 5, 2021 Published: Dec 31, 2021
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Pornography is a space of contention within the feminist circles. This article focuses on one of the arguments of the anti-pornography movement within feminism regarding the direct and indirect harms that pornography allegedly causes. Direct harm involves those who participate in the production of pornography; while indirect harm includes violence against women; gender inequality, and silencing. The article has an ethical-normative approach as it explains whether the anti-pornography argument is sound enough as well as its capacity to raise counter-objections. The analysis is based on two epistemological principles: firstly, that the gender cultural order is the social sphere where expressions of subordination are reproduced to the detriment of women; and, secondly, that inegalitarian pornography contributes to gender inequality by eroticising relations of violence and subordination, in contrast to other forms of gender representation in which inequality is not depicted in a sexualised way.


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