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  • Belén Nogueiras
Belén Nogueiras
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019), Presentation, pages 1-9
Submitted: Dec 22, 2019 Accepted: Jan 6, 2020 Published: Sep 7, 2020
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In the area of ​​health, the power mechanisms that patriarchy has historically used to ensure its domination of women are manifested with total clarity and intensity. Health sciences, practices and policies are very powerful and necessary tools for the control and subordination of women.
In contemporary feminism,the discourses on women's health, discomfort and illness have been the subject of a deep critical analysis.The patriarchal theses on the innate weakness of women, their fragile health and their consequent "natural" proclivity to the development of physical and emotional problems, have served to support their inferiority, substantiate inequality and legitimize their subordination. On the contrary, feminism reveals that it is precisely the system of domination of men over women and the structural conditions imposed by patriarchy in women´s lives what damage their health, by adding a suffering to that which life entails.
This monographic issue aims to offer a perspective of the lines of research that are being developed in this field from different disciplines, as well as feminist actions and vindications, both for the promotion and attention to women's health, as well as for the transformation of health sciences, practices and policies in an emancipatory sense.


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