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María Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019), Special Issue, pages 179-196
Submitted: Jul 27, 2018 Accepted: Jul 1, 2019 Published: Sep 7, 2020
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The vulnerability of the immigrant population is widely documented and can be understood by analyzing the social determinants and their implication in health inequalities.
In the framework of the conceptual model of health’s social determinants, proposed by the Commission to Reduce Health Inequalities in Spain, gender is postulated as one of the axes of inequality that crosses the social structure and, when it interacts with other axes, such as social class, age, ethnicity or race and territory, determines hierarchies of power and entails inequalities in the chances of good health.
Despite international recognition of the importance of sexual and reproductive health (SRH), in compliance with the human rights in this field is severely limited and there are serious barriers that prevent people - and women in particular - from developing fully their sexuality, as well as having access to necessary sexual and reproductive health services and supplies. This situation is aggravated in the case of immigrant women.
It is important to point out that there is interest and concern regarding the obstetric health of the immigrant population, since many investigations have revealed the existence of a serious problem of equity in these women's perinatal health. Their reproductive health is much worse than indigenous women's. The incorporation of the intersectional perspective, which arises from the Feminist Theory, in the analysis of this situation facilitates the understanding of the underlying elements in the inequalities in reproductive health of immigrant women.
Among the factors that contribute to the vulnerability of immigrant women, we highlight the characteristics of the migratory context (of differential character between men and women), the biomedical approach to health care and the scarce cultural competence of the health system.


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