Irrationalizing patriarchal reason


  • Estela Andrea Serret Bravo Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco



feminist criticism; man-culture::woman-nature; structural anthropology; patriarchal philosophy; feminism of difference


This article analyzes the conceptual concerns of Celia Amorós in her book Towards a Critique of Patriarchal Reason based on a common thread: the symbolic equivalence between the pairs man-culture and woman-nature, present in every patriarchal ideology, as confirms the structuralist analysis of Lévi-Strauss, it is manifested uncritically both in key authors of the Western philosophical canon and in the narrative of the so-called feminisms of difference. The author breaks down the multiple semantic chains of this symbolic equivalence and shows both the incongruity that its conceptual reproduction entails, as well as the serious political implications that a feminism of equality allows us to highlight and combat.

Keywords: feminist criticism; man-culture::woman-nature; structural anthropology; patriarchal philosophy; feminism of difference


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Author Biography

Estela Andrea Serret Bravo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco

Departamento de Sociología Profesora Investigadora Titular C


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Amorós, Celia (1987). Sören Kierkegaard o la subjetividad del caballero. Barcelona Anthropos.

Aristóteles (1963). Política. Edición bilingüe. Versión española, edición y notas, Antonio Gómez robledo. México: UNAM.

Bamberger, Joan (1979). El mito del matriarcado: ¿Por qué gobiernan los hombres en las sociedades primitivas? En Olivia Harris y Kate Young (comps.) Antropología y feminismo (pp. 63-82). Barcelona: Anagrama.

Ortner, Sherry (1979). ¿Es la mujer con respecto al hombre lo que la naturaleza con respecto a la cultura? En Olivia Harris y Kate Young (comps.) Antropología y feminismo (pp. 109-132). Barcelona: Anagrama.

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Serret, Estela (2011). Hacia una redefinición de las identidades de género. En GénEros. 9, 18, ISSN: 1405-3098.



How to Cite

Serret Bravo, E. A. (2025). Irrationalizing patriarchal reason. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 10(1), 02–19.