The use of prostitution in Spain: What is known about sex buyers?


  • Berta Aznar-Martínez Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Judith Lorente-De-Sanz FPCEE Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull



Prostitution, Pornography, Sexual Violence, Sex buyers, Abolitionism


The sex market is a cultural and economic product created by men for male consumption. From this perspective, it is of great importance to study the sex trade, focusing on sex buyers. This study carries out a review of the studies that have been published in the last 20 years on sex buyers in Western contexts. The objectives of the study were to explore the prevalence of the use of prostitution in the male population, the average age and the characteristics of the first access; analyze the profile of sex buyers; explore the motivations and attitudes for consumption; analyze men's sex buying habits and the use of pornography; and describe the legislative framework on prostitution in Spain and its relationship with the purchase of sex. The analysis of the collected studies show that about 25% of men in Western countries have bought sex at some point, with the age of first access to prostitution being between 18 and 22 years old. Often the buyers of sex have a partner and the number of partners throughout life increases in those men who buy sex. Men with low levels of education declare to make greater use of prostitution. The most common motivation is the possibility of performing sexual practices that would not be accepted in the couple. As for the most requested sexual practices, those that clearly put women at risk stand out. The consumption of prostitution in Spain presents higher figures in flats compared to other European countries. Pornography and prostitution are two closely related phenomena. Spanish legislation does not protect prostituted women contributing to the increase in demand.


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How to Cite

Aznar-Martínez, B., & Lorente-De-Sanz, J. (2025). The use of prostitution in Spain: What is known about sex buyers?. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 10(1), 02–22.