Time for feminism, time to conceptualize, time to claim. The spirit of the Enlightenment in self-awareness and the feminist struggle


  • Ana de Miguel Universidad Rey Juan Carlos




Enlightment, Feminism, Subject, Equality, Difference, Posmodernism


This article reviews and exposes some of the contributions of the philosopher Celia Amorós to contemporary thought. It focuses on the contributions and influence of her book Tiempo de Feminismo, published in 1997. This is the work that brings together in the most complete and systematic way her theses on the legacy of the Enlightenment, and the inadequacies and problems of postmodernity and weak thought to meet the demands of feminism in a fairer and shared world. Two are the most relevant conclusions of the article. That this work provides feminism with a sound foundation from which to approach dialogue with the different currents of contemporary thought without falling into successive servitudes and ruinous alliances; and that such theoretical clarity and strength explain, in part, the entrenchment and influence of the feminist agenda in Spain and Latin America.


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How to Cite

de Miguel, A. (2025). Time for feminism, time to conceptualize, time to claim. The spirit of the Enlightenment in self-awareness and the feminist struggle. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 10(1), 02–26. https://doi.org/10.17979/arief.2025.10.1.10269