Cèlia Amorós's reading of Kierkegaard


  • Alicia Puleo




existentialism, Kierkegaard, woman, mysogyny, existential angst


This article focuses on a book by Cèlia Amorós that is less well known than others: Sören Kierkegaard or the subjectivity of the gentleman. Our philosopher's analysis of the work of this pioneering thinker of existentialism is an extraordinarily valuable contribution to the understanding of the contemporary crisis of meaning. From a feminist point of view, she shows that the man of existential anguish is the emergent of the patriarchal or genealogical crisis that produces uprooted individuals who have lost the certainty of traditional norms as a result of the enlightened critique and a new economic, social and political order.


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How to Cite

Puleo, A. (2025). Cèlia Amorós’s reading of Kierkegaard. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 10(1), 02–13. https://doi.org/10.17979/arief.2025.10.1.10078