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Luis Fernando Vazquez
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States
Vol. 25 (2019), Articles, pages 103-112
Submitted: Sep 18, 2019 Published: Feb 24, 2020
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This paper addresses the issue of functional categories in historical dictionaries and the need for a collaborative work of lexicography and both theoretical and historical linguistics in order to account for all their aspects. It is proposed that the historical dictionaries available so far do not fulfill the task of lexicographic work in Spanish in the field of functional categories and in the characterization of their historical development. As an example, four different meanings of the missing pronominal adverb hy of early Castilian that are generally not covered in the historical dictionaries so far available are presented. This task, we conclude, requires a lexicographic approach that incorporates the diachronic distribution of functional words along with their respective pragmatic-contextual values.


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