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Sven Tarp
Department of Business Communication Centre for Lexicography School of Business and Social Sciences Aarhus University
Vol. 21 (2015), Articles, pages 145-163
Submitted: Jan 11, 2018 Accepted: Jan 11, 2018 Published: Jan 15, 2018
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This work discusses the empirically based selection for the choice and definition of specialized terms in both general and specialized dictionaries. Without contesting the value of corpora for lexicography, it criticizes the excessive reliance on corpora by using several examples extracted from typical lexicographical practices as being unnecessarily slow and complicated, especially if made by linguists, lexicographers, and terminologists that lack the specialized knowledge within the disciplines in question. This article recommends that, in one way or the other, different experts from the various disciplines integrate in the lexicographical labor.


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