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Begoña Inmaculada García Llamas
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Vol. 18 (2012), Articles, pages 25-38
Submitted: Aug 3, 2018 Accepted: Aug 3, 2018 Published: Dec 4, 2018
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The present article represents a part of a more comprehensive project which entails the proposal for the elaboration of an International Trade Dictionary inside the theoretical framework of the Functional Theory of Lexicography. This project, which will be presented as a Ph dissertation, proposes the creation of a specialized electronic pedagogical dictionary in English and Spanish for Spanish university students. What we present here is the summary of all those sections in the study which focus on the pedagogic approach of the proposed reference tool. Specifically we deal with the selection of information categories and the elaboration of two structural elements (Systematic Introduction and User’s Guide) since they are considered to be highly relevant for the user.

Within the framework of the Function Theory of Lexicography, this selection of categories can only be performed after defining accurately the type of user to whom the work is aimed at, together with the lexicographically relevant needs of the mentioned user and the social or  extralexicographical situation where those needs will emerge. For this reason, after a brief overview of the state-of-the-arts, we summarize the theoretical framework where our proposal of a dictionary is included. Next, we state the pedagogical facts that justify our work and the objectives that we intend to meet. In a following section, we offer a list of the information categories and structural elements considered as relevant for our target user who has been defined as a student immerse in a learning process.

Finally, we present a set of illustrations showing the possible layout for the dictionary interface in different phases of the search process.


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