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Encarna Atienza Cerezo
University Pompeu Fabra
Vol. 15 (2009), Articles, pages 7-18
Submitted: Aug 8, 2018 Accepted: Aug 8, 2018 Published: Dec 7, 2018
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Some nominal or verbal terms do not seem to have a lexicographic treatment which encompasses their pragmatic value, understanding as such the use realised by certain terms beyond its literal meaning and its lexical-semantic and syntactic restrictions. The aim of this study is the pragmatic treatment given, in DUE, to nominal terms conditioned by some declarative situations that become relevant, for the user of a learning dictionary, as a production and interpretation tool. We first make a search for pragmatic explanations in the definitions of DUE, departing from the search for verbal expressions which, a priori, due to their syntactic and semantic structure, seem to make possible the introduction of the above mentioned explanation. Later, taking into account the analysis of the verbal expressions used in DUE, a pattern that allows us to add the pragmatic expression is proposed. The configuration of the pattern aims to serve for the subsequent production of new learning dictionaries. Once this pattern is sketched, we analyse the treatment of this kind of information in currently published learning dictionaries of Spanish as a foreign language.


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