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J. Agustín Torijano
University of Salamanca
Vol. 14 (2008), Articles, pages 137-158
Submitted: Aug 13, 2018 Accepted: Aug 13, 2018 Published: Dec 7, 2018
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The article addresses the study of lexical errors produced by Portuguese speakers of Spanish in a considerably extensive corpus and seeks to demonstrate the importance of the lexical component in the communicative success or failure of learners with a mother tongue which is theoretically similar to Spanish. The analysis of this kind of errors reveals, more than in any other facet of the language, the mistaken nature of the supposed similarity or interlinguistic equivalence assumed to be present a priori in students of both languages. Given that the effects of interference – both external and internal – are quantitatively and qualitatively evident more than in most pairs of compared languages, the analysis points to the fact that it is imperative to present the learning of both languages starting from their basic elements rather than from an intermediate phase (in medias res) which would seem to be presupposed by a knowledge of what is apparently similar but which tends to produce fossilised competence, even in speakers with a good command of the second language.


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