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Jaime Pensado Sande
University of A Coruña
Vol. 26 (2022), Articles, pages 185-205
Submitted: Jul 29, 2022 Accepted: Nov 18, 2022 Published: Dec 14, 2022
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This paper deals with de study of the main aspects in terms of differentiated food quality in the draft bill of the Galician food quality Act. The purpose is to highlight the differences between the current regulation, contained in Law 2/2005, of February 18, on the promotion and defense of Galician food quality, and the aforementioned draft bill, with the intention of glimpsing the path followed by the Galician legislator in this matter. Galicia is one of the regions in Spain and Europe with the largest number of products registered as protected designation of origin and as protected geographical indication, which is why it is of great interest to both producers and consumers to know what the future regulation could be in this matter, so closely related to other economic activities, such as tourism and the development of rural environment.


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