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Claudia Elena Robles Cardoso
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Carlos Muñiz Díaz
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Vol. 25 (2021), Articles, pages 171-185
Submitted: Dec 8, 2021 Published: Dec 8, 2021
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This research aims to understand what a local Political Constitution is and its importance in the Mexican system, for this it is necessary to analyze the fundamental government decisions contained in the different principles. The bases of the organization of an entity are contained in the Federal Constitution; For this reason, the following question must be answered: Does the Constitution of a federative entity have the same nature as the Political Constitution of a State? The Political Constitution can be described, and its characteristics defined, but to understand the nature of the Constitution of a federative entity, Federalism and Sovereignty must be analyzed.


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