Focus and Scope

This journal has an interdisplinary scope that welcomes academic contributions in any of the branches of the Law.

External Peer Review Process (double blind)

The Editorial Board shall submit the work received to the expert evaluation and decide on its publication. The arbitration will be external and the type of review: double blind

Decisions will be communicated to the authors through the Yearbook's platform. In case the publication is rejected, the reasons given by the evaluators should be indicated.

The dates of sending and acceptance of each of the works will appear in a visible place of the publication.

If the works accepted for publication do not meet the conditions of edition set out in section 2, they will be returned to their authors, granting them a period of not less than ten days to make the corresponding formal modifications. If an author does not return in time the work properly corrected, it will be understood that he / she does not publish it in the Yearbook.

The fact of publishing in the Yearbook does not prevent the author from proceeding to further publications in other media, as long as he records his previous appearance in this magazine.

The Yearbook does not necessarily identify itself with the content of the opinions expressed by the authors in the works that are published in it, being held responsible, exclusively and for all purposes, of said content.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing open access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Indexed in



Universidade da Coruña

Rúa da Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña.

Journal History

The Yerabook of the Faculty of Law University of Coruña is an annual publication that since 1997 offers the University of Coruña to those who develop their work in the legal field. The Journal emerged in its origins with an interdisciplinary vocation, with the intention of gathering national and foreign contributions of researchers from the areas of legal-social knowledge. This is reflected in the summaries which have a voluminous section of doctrinal articles of very varied subjects. The volumes 1-16, corresponding to the period 1997-2012 are accessible in the URL: