Multi-Religious and Cultural Regionalism Integrated to Contemporary Sacred Church Buildings in Indonesia




Syncretic Ideas-Forms, Indonesian Church Architecture, Pre-Islamic and Islamic Java, Regionalism, Collective Memory


Indonesia demonstrates a variety of cultural expressions through foreign contacts but has never adopted other cultures fully. The country blended significant components into local circumstances to create a distinctive culture with geographic variations, and its history must be understood in its terms. The design of Maclaine Pont (1936)’s Pohsarang Church combined Hindu-Buddhist elements into a Western building. Blimbingsari stone-wooden Church destroyed by an earthquake (1976) was rebuilt in the Balinese pavilion style with a running water garden. Similarities showed in Batak Karo architecture in Berastagi’s St. Francis Assisi, and Joglo architecture in Ganjuran Church where Jesus is depicted as a Javanese King. This exceptional regional phenomenon was due to integrating tradition, ethnicity, geographical space, and belief in multicultural societies. This paper discusses a few contemporary churches in Indonesia by historical contexts.


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Author Biography

Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja , Independent Scholar

Dr. Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja is artist/designer/journalist/scholar. She has degrees in journalism (Korea), art/design (Norway/USA), architecture (UK), besides studies in theology, heritage, literature. Specialised on comparison between Hindu-Buddhist/Islamic/Christian architecture, texts-images, and Scandinavian art-design, she taught at different institutes across the globe, volunteering humanitarian work as a member of the Finnish diplomatic corps. Being an Asian pioneer student in Scandinavia, she received a Civil Merit Medal from South Korea and many appreciations from Kuwait, Indonesia, etc. for her cultural work. Since her return to Finland in 2007, she devotes herself to research, activities at the intangible heritage committee (ICICH-ICOMOS), art and journalism.


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How to Cite

Lee-Niinioja , H. S. (2022). Multi-Religious and Cultural Regionalism Integrated to Contemporary Sacred Church Buildings in Indonesia. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 9, 24–39.