‘Remodeling and enlarging an old church is not necessarily an attack’

Interventions by the Secretariat of the New Churches of the Patriarchate in the architectural heritage of the diocese of Lisbon (1965-1985)





diocese of Lisbon, religious heritage, modern art, renovation, architecture


The pastoral renovation that the Second Vatican Council brought to the liturgy became a program to which architects sought to respond with new forms and solutions. In the Diocese of Lisbon, this work was led by SNIP - Secretariat of the New Churches of the Patriarchate, a small technical office created by Cardinal Cerejeira in 1961 to support the planning and construction of the many dozens of churches and chapels needed to be built throughout the diocese. But its work would not be limited to the new buildings. As SNIP recalled in 1968, in a time of renovation it became also necessary to remodel the old churches, adapting them to the needs and demands triggered by the conciliar liturgical Reform. Through five works carried out by SNIP between 1965 and 1985, it is intended to reveal the formal and programmatic options adopted by this office in its interventions in the heritage of the diocese of Lisbon.


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Author Biography

João Alves da Cunha, Universidad Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon)

Architect by FAUL (1998) and Master in Rehabilitation of Architecture and Urban Centers by the same faculty (2003). He has a doctorate in History of Architecture at FAUL (2014) with the thesis «MRAR - Movimento de Renovação da Arte Religiosa e os anos de ouro da Arquitectura Religiosa em Portugal no século XX», under the guidance of the architects José Manuel Fernandes and Nuno Teotónio Pereira, work distinguished by FAUL with the Professor Manuel Tainha Prize, corresponding to the best doctoral thesis in Architecture in the years 2013-2014.
He is a professor and author of several articles in the area of religious architecture. Since 2010, he has organized religious architecture and meetings and exhibitions. He is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Religious History, at the Catholic University of Portugal.


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How to Cite

Alves da Cunha, J. (2020). ‘Remodeling and enlarging an old church is not necessarily an attack’: Interventions by the Secretariat of the New Churches of the Patriarchate in the architectural heritage of the diocese of Lisbon (1965-1985). Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 7, 142–157. https://doi.org/10.17979/aarc.2020.7.0.6317