Brazilian religious heritage - for culture, for the sacred

The inculturation as mission of the architect in the projects of the indigenous communities and originated by the immigration




Brazil, sacred architecture, religious heritage, indigenous church, inculturation


Civilized by Christianity, Brazil, with over than 500 years of history, built temples under the influence and inspiration of its colonizers that contributed to the culture of this country of continental dimensions. Indigenous brothers in Christ, although numerically diminished, have a constructive identity and also play a key role in the evaluation of Brazilian architecture. After five centuries, the relationship of the Brazilian people with their temples goes through a moment of uncertainty with questionable architectural productions and most of the religious heritages degraded. Nevertheless, the mystagogical understanding of the sacred space after Vatican II is still a clearly evolving subject. Through this scenario, this article promotes debate about the role of the missionary architect in the interventions of the Brazilian sacred heritage and brings four case studies that demonstrate both the realities of inculturation for the implantation of an indigenous Church and those inherited from the architecture of immigration.


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Author Biography

Tobias Bonk Machado, Independent researcher (Curitiba)

Architect and urbanist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR, specialist in Management of Works by the Federal Technological University of Paraná – UTFPR and Conservation and Restoration of Historic Monuments by PUCPR. Studied Bioclimatic Architecture by the National Association of Bioecological Architecture - ANAB and Liturgical Celebratory Space and Sacred Art at the Theological Institute of Santa Catarina - ITESC. Was a member of the Council of Artistic and Cultural Patrimony of São José dos Pinhais - PR. Received awards in the academic, project and sustainability fields, where is co-author of an article published by the Faculty of Administration and Economics in Curitiba – PR. Lecturer in the Liturgical Space Specialization of the Salesian University Center of São Paulo - UNISAL and signed more than 100 projects for the Church in Brazil and in the frontier area, including new constructions, adjustments and interventions in historical patrimony. Advisor of meetings of sacred architecture and coordinator of his parish.


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Marochi, Maria Angélica. 2007. De Freguesia a Diocese: a trajetória da Igreja Católica em São José dos Pinhais, 1690-2007. Curitiba: Travessa dos Editores.

Pastro, Claudio. 1992. Itapeva: Um tesouro em vaso de barro. São Paulo: Casa S. Lucas.

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Pio XII. 1939. Carta Encíclica Summi Pontificatus. Roma: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.



How to Cite

Bonk Machado, T. (2020). Brazilian religious heritage - for culture, for the sacred: The inculturation as mission of the architect in the projects of the indigenous communities and originated by the immigration. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 7, 128–141.