Challenges and solutions when intervening in ‘igrejas barracão’ in Brazil


  • Eduardo Faust Machado Independent researcher (Florianópolis)



sacred architecture, igrejas barracão, Brazil, basilica, Catholic Church, shed churches


Brazil is the eighth largest economy in the world and one of the ten most unequal countries. In the twentieth century the demographic explosion coupled with the rural exodus generated a great demand for new churches. Using the industrial architecture as the basis for these buildings was the only viable solution. Now, in the 21st century, the analysis and reformulation of these spaces becomes necessary.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Faust Machado, Independent researcher (Florianópolis)

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC (2004), Florianópolis, Brazil. Postgraduate studies: Specialist in celebration liturgical space and sacred art, FAJE Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology (2010), Belo Horizonte. Brazilian founding partner of Faust Arquitetura, active since 2005. Author of more than 140 projects for places of worship (churches, shrines, cathedrals). Author of more than 100 works related to the clergy (parish houses, pastoral centers and headquarters of the curia). Projects distributed in more than 90 cities in 13 states of Brazil and Mexico. He teaches lectures and courses on sacred architecture and writes for the magazine 'Paróquias e Casas Religiosa'. Last article in Arquitectura y Cultura 9 (12/2017), University of Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

Faust Machado, E. (2020). Challenges and solutions when intervening in ‘igrejas barracão’ in Brazil. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 7, 112–127.