Adapting and rebuilding ancient Anglican churches in the 20th century




adaptation, anglican architecture, reconstruction, religious architecture, United Kingdom


Since the second half of the 19th century in Britain High Church movements has aimed at updating the Anglican liturgy. In the post-war years, sensitive to the influence of the continental Liturgical Movement, these requests are translated into operational principles for the organisation of ecclesial spaces. The principles concern both the construction of new Anglican churches and the modernisation of old churches with respect to new liturgical needs. The last case is the focus of this communication. The objective of the text is to connect different experiences of adaptation and reconstruction of Anglican churches, before and around the years of the Second Vatican Council, highlighting the continental influences and investigating a peculiar British approach to ruins in architecture. The study focuses particularly on a symbolic episode, the contest for the new Coventry Cathedral, which fuelled the discussion about the value of ruins in restoring or rebuilding destroyed churches. In the wake of this theme, the paper introduces the works of two relevant figures in British Church building: George Gaze Pace (1915/75) and Robert Potter (1909/2010), whose churches represent an extraordinary example in the composition of a holy space in dialogue with ruins.



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Author Biography

Lorenzo Grieco, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Rome) / University of Kent (Canterbury)

Lorenzo Grieco is currently a PhD student in Civil Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and in Architecture at the University of Kent at Canterbury. His studies deal with Renaissance architecture, focusing on wooden coffered ceilings of XV century Italian palaces, and on contemporary architecture. He is the author of articles published on scientific journals as Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica and Opus Incertum and is currently leading a transnational research on Italian and British church architecture in the Post-World War II period. He has worked for many architectural practices in Belgium, Spain and Italy.


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How to Cite

Grieco, L. (2020). Adapting and rebuilding ancient Anglican churches in the 20th century. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 7, 24–35.