People of God, Body of Christ, and Temple of the Spirit
Ecclesiological Nuances and Implications of Church Architecture after Vatican II
ecclesiology, liturgical dynamism, liturgical space, active participation, Rudolf SchwarzAbstract
There are two apparently contrasting ideas for thinking about the Church: People of God and Body of Christ. More than underlining the demotic or hierarchic character of the Church, their Biblical embedding allows recognizing other complementary aspects, such as the historical insertion, the eschatological orientation, the centrality of the Eucharist, and the configuration with Christ. Concerning the repercussions on church architecture, the idea of Temple of the Spirit not only strengthens the experience of communion and the synaesthetic dimension of the building, but also allows combining the two aforementioned ideas in a dynamic use of the liturgical space, hence avoiding reductions to static church models. To live the liturgical space as an organic succession of communitarian configurations emphasizes the celebrating assembly in its active participation. The three ecclesiological ideas express different attitudes to God’s mystery: therefore, they must be understood as complementary configurations of one Eucharistic assembly during a celebration.
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