The preaching in the Calvinist tradition

A case study based on Presbyterian temples in Santiago de Chile


  • Marcone Bezerra Carvalho Universidad de Los Andes



protestantism, Calvinist tradition, preaching, presbyterian temples, first presbyterian church of Santiago de Chile


When one studies the Protestant Reformation, one notices the emergence of four traditions that still manifest themselves in the western world: Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican and Anabaptist. This study will consider an important element of the Calvinist tradition (also identified as Reformed or Presbyterian): the preaching. It will take place examining the presbytery or furniture in the temples of the oldest Presbyterian churches in the city of Santiago, focusing specifically on the one located in the street Santo Domingo, which hosts the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Santiago de Chile. It was an Anglican temple that was purchased by the reformed of the capital. The other temples always belonged to the Presbyterian churches. Through these places of worship, we aim to point out both nuances of the theology practiced by Presbyterians in Chile as well as possible influences of other traditions in the liturgy.


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How to Cite

Bezerra Carvalho, M. (2017). The preaching in the Calvinist tradition: A case study based on Presbyterian temples in Santiago de Chile. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 5, 282–293.