The Movement for the Renewal of Portuguese Religious Art (1952/67)

Contaminations and transfers


  • Bernardo Pizarro Miranda ISCTE-IUL/CIES-IUL



MRAR, assembly architecture, spirit of the liturgy, artistic honesty


In the success with which the members of the Movement for the Renewal of Religious Art (MRAR, 1952/67), in a committed way, sought in community to build an alternative to the current architecture, sustained in the search for the Christian principle of artistic honesty, We try in this communication to find elective affinities with the thought of the theologians Paul Tillich (1886-1965) and Louis Bouyer (1913-2004). We associate these affinities with a common understanding of the meaning of the office of architecture, of the defense of an adult religion founded on the permanent updating of Christian sources, which never stopped sprouting, and in the search for a sense of life, rooted in the communitarian sense of the Christian vocation.


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Bouyer, Louis. 1991 (1967). Architecture et liturgie. París: Les éditions du Cerf.

Milheiro, Ana Vaz e Isabel Salema. 2004. «Queríamos criar um espaço para a vida moderna». Mil Folhas/Público: 4-8.

Miranda, Bernardo Pizarro. 2007. «Ermida do Cristo do Silêncio». En Arquiteturas. Programa, Conceito, Matéria, 156-164, editado por José Manuel das Neves. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio.

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Tillich, Paul. 1987. On Art and Architecture. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.



How to Cite

Miranda, B. P. (2017). The Movement for the Renewal of Portuguese Religious Art (1952/67): Contaminations and transfers. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 5, 210–219.