Religious architecture and ideology from Vatican Council II in the urban periphery of Lima

The Case North Lima


  • Miguel Ángel Vidal Valladolid Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Rimac-Lima)



Second Vatican Council, urban periphery, liberation theology, developmentalist discourse, Lima norte


This paper asks how religious architecture in the urban periphery of Lima, acquires an expression in line with Vatican II? Cities like Lima overwhelmed by the provincial immigrants living in urban peripheries, will be the scene in which the actors of the new districts built their new parishes. In this areas, cultural, ideological, political and social factors, together with the liturgical changes, will condition the religious architecture, his messages and meanings. This research seeks to establish as Second Vatican Council and ideologies of the late twentieth century in Lima Norte, determine the expression of the religious architecture, displaying their close relationship with theology, ecclesiology and liturgy; pastoral missions; marxism; the ecumenical spirit —christians of other faiths; Cultural and Popular Churches; the postmodernism; and liberationist and developmentalist discourses.


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How to Cite

Vidal Valladolid, M. Ángel. (2015). Religious architecture and ideology from Vatican Council II in the urban periphery of Lima: The Case North Lima. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 4, 204–211.