Transcending or Transcendent Architecture?


  • Julio Bermúdez The Catholic University of America. School of Architecture and Planning (Washington DC)



transcendence, aesthetics, ethics, sacred space, spirituality


In this paper, the promises and perils of buildings seeking transcendence are evaluated. After a short discussion on the aesthetic and ethical modes of employing architecture to transcend, the conversation moves into the ambiguity of the term transcending. Considering this expression certainly lends itself rather easily for a nuanced and profound discussion. For who or what is doing the transcending? And exactly what is that being transcended? This vagueness is not just a semantic artifact of the word transcending but perhaps born out of the (at least phenomenological) reality of transcendental architectural experiences. For sure, it forbids closure, secures humility, and encourages new interpretations, even of the ones already concocted. This article is a re-elaboration of the chapter introducing the book Transcending Architecture. Contemporary Views on Sacred Space by the author and published by CUA Press (Washington DC, 2015).


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How to Cite

Bermúdez, J. (2015). Transcending or Transcendent Architecture?. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 4, 186–193.