Between criteria crisis and possible new visual identities of christian sacral architecture

A purpose of a chapel in Bubanj near Nis


  • Zoran M. Jovanoviç



identity, crisis, sacred christian architecture, Bubanj Chapel, Serbia


With its structure, the Bubanj chapel simultaneously initiates the reflection on the permanence and changes in the architecture of the Orthodox world. His architect asked himself whether the church should be covered in gold, with large walls and pillars made of precious stones-or of an imitation, as is usually the case-or should it emphasize the simplicity and modesty of Christ. The Bubanj chapel directly indicates that the believer should observe the world through the eyes of the spirit, something insisted on by the aesthetics of Byzantine ecclesiastical art invoked by many, but usually only when some of the special qualities of the Church are indicated. orthodox, and at the same time, ignoring the laws of nature (human), in addition to the true messages and lessons of the Fathers of the Church.
The concept of the chapel near Nis offers a possible answer to the question of whether the sacred architecture is exclusively a question of spirituality, that is: how to represent a sacred event as the key moment of the intimate belief (in community). At that point, the idea of ​​Sasa Budjevac represents so far a unique expression - in terms of design - of the future Christian churches, both on Earth and on the Moon or on other planets, such as Mars, where, according to the teaching of the Church, also reigns God Kosmokrator.


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How to Cite

Jovanoviç, Z. M. (2011). Between criteria crisis and possible new visual identities of christian sacral architecture: A purpose of a chapel in Bubanj near Nis. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 2(2), 40–45.