The concepts and identity of the new serbian orthodox ecclesiastical architecture (1990-2009)


  • Aleksandar Kadijevic
  • Miroslav Pantovic



concept, identity, new orthodox architecture, Serbia


During the period between 1945 and 1990, in the times of the single-party repressive communist system of the former Yugoslavia, the construction of new churches that should have fulfilled the demands of the Serbian Orthodox Church was systematically hindered and obstructed. The Communist authorities, widely known for their atheism, showed no understanding for the feelings of millions of Orthodox Christians in the multinational state, simultaneously expressing their fear of the social influence of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The communist authorities of the former Yugoslavia, continually expressing their fear of Serbian national feelings, in addition to the decline of their own ideological influence, treated the construction of new churches as a great danger to the system of pseudo-egalitarian social relations. On the other hand, thanks to the Serbian emigrant patriots and their traditional and warm feelings towards their country, the construction of new churches continued in some areas of the former Yugoslavia. However, larger and more ambitious projects were carried out abroad, especially in those countries with a large Serbian diaspora, such as the USA, Canada and Australia.


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How to Cite

Kadijevic, A., & Pantovic, M. (2011). The concepts and identity of the new serbian orthodox ecclesiastical architecture (1990-2009). Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 2(2), 29–39.