The Parish Priest, the Foreign Architect and the Slide

Tribulations of the Church of Santa Maria de Sales in Viladecans (1962-67)




architecture, contemporary religious architecture, history of architecture, Robert Kramreiter, Viladecans


The church of Santa Maria de Sales, in Viladecans (Barcelona, 1962-67), is an atypical building in many ways. Popularly known as ‘the slide church’, it is one of the first temples conceived in an openly brutalist manner in Spain, as well as one of the few sacred works by a Germanic architect in our country. But despite its uniqueness, it is a virtually unknown building. The Austrian Robert Kramreiter was, at the time, a specialist in religious architecture. He had initially designed this church for a summer resort near the sea, but the cancellation of the commission led the parish priest to decide to take advantage of the project in a new location inland. From then on, the clergy became the main promoter of its construction, fighting against all the obstacles economic, technical, regulatory, etc. that crossed his path. Taking as a starting point a small publication by a local journalist on the occasion of its half-century of history, this paper highlights the heroic role that the client sometimes has to play in order to achieve an excellent result.


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Author Biography

Esteban Fernández-Cobián, A Coruña University

Esteban Fernández-Cobián (1969). PhD Architect, he is a Full Professor at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of University of A Coruña (Spain), where he develops a research on the construction of sacred space in contemporary architecture. Since 2014, he has also been part of the academic faculty of UPAEP (Puebla, Mexico). In addition to numerous articles, he has written the monographs «Fray Coello de Portugal, dominico y arquitecto» (2001), «El espacio sagrado en la arquitectura española contemporánea» (2005), «Le Corbusier. Proyectos para la Iglesia católica» (2015) and «Arquitectura religiosa del siglo XXI en España» (2020). Editor of AARC, since 2007, he organizes the International Conferences on Contemporary Religious Architecture, and in 2018 he created the Observatory of Contemporary Religious Architecture (OARC).


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How to Cite

Fernández-Cobián, E., & Elías Cao, C. (2024). The Parish Priest, the Foreign Architect and the Slide: Tribulations of the Church of Santa Maria de Sales in Viladecans (1962-67). Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 11, 48–67.

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