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Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez
Universidade da Coruña, A coruña
Victor Barrientos Rodríguez
Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña
Vol. 40 (2018), Articles, pages 123-137
Submitted: Dec 19, 2018 Published: Dec 21, 2018
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The heat flux in the upper crust determines the possibility of using geothermal energy in a certain area. This flow is very heterogeneous so the use of geothermal energy is very variable and requires a study of each area. Where there are no geological conditions that produce an anomalous and high heat flow, the use of this energy is more limited, depending on the properties of the rocks of the substrate, but still enormously variable. The studies carried out in Galicia to date indicate that geothermal exploitation in this community is limited due to the absence of anomalies and lithology, with a low geothermal potential. However, the main studies oriented to this end, even considering geological information, have been generic, imprecise and conservative. The existence of new geochemical and gamma radiation data allows a re-evaluation of these studies. This re-evaluation shows a greater potential than initially estimated, which suggests the need to carry out more detailed studies of rock geochemistry in order to obtain a more precise and accurate assessment, something necessary for an adequate development of the use of this energy in the community.


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