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Marta Paris
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
Marcela Pérez
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
Mónica D'Elía
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
Vol. 40 (2018), Articles, pages 103-121
Submitted: Dec 19, 2018 Published: Dec 21, 2018
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The concept of water security focuses on the objective of water management in society. However, in urban environments -where requirements related to water supply, floods, important rains, rising water tables, pollution problems, among others-, the lack of data and information appropriate to the scale of work, and even the inappropriate use of methodologies, attempt against any attempt to improve this capacity of the population to deal with critical situations. Even in the cities, it is more evident that the challenge of achieving a balance between the supply of water -finite, vulnerable and variable-, and an offer - tirelessly growing, of multiple users and interdependent-, forces us to "rethink" the hydrological cycle as a dynamic environmental system and with it, to add an interdisciplinary approach to hydrology. This paper presents the methodologies, results and conclusions that have served as the basis for improving knowledge of aquifer systems in the cities of Esperanza and Santa Fe (Argentina). The first supports its supply with groundwater, which is essential to protect the resource and the collection works. In the second case, the interrelation between surface and underground water is complex and requires that hydrodynamics of the system as a whole should be considered to define the best technological alternatives for urban infrastructure and the management of floods. The advances achieved point to the importance of science, as an engine that generates effective solutions for society to achieve the goals of sustainable development and water security.


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