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Elías Barczuk Pasamán
Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
Florencia Köncke Machín
Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
Vol. 11 (2021), Critiques of architecture, pages 8-13
Submitted: Dec 31, 2020 Accepted: May 28, 2021 Published: Dec 31, 2021
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In the will to formulate a new reasoning that includes some reflections regarding the obligatory pause in the world that this past year has demanded of us, we bring up the term circling to describe our perception of the events that have taken place. Conceptually understanding the state as a precise and determined moment that intrinsically entails change and the landscape as the protagonist and scenario of such transformation, it is the purpose of this article to question all those notions referring to society's conscious understanding of the need for change that the environment demands of it. Or, on the contrary, its indifference and inevitable return to the initial position. To this end, the argument is forged under the idea that any real change requires a thorough and sincere commitment that incorporates a landscape awareness from all agents involved in our environment.


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