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Beatriz Villanueva Cajide
Saudi Arabia
Francisco Javier Casas Cobo
Alfaisal University
Saudi Arabia
Vol. 11 (2021), Articles, pages 52-71
Submitted: Dec 29, 2020 Accepted: Nov 26, 2021 Published: Dec 31, 2021
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From their widespread utilisation in architectural design at the beginning of the 90s, digital tools have provide it with undeniable benefits, among which the ones derived from their excellent capacity of managing information and their ability to produce new geometrical developments, stand out. However, concurrently to these improvements, they have emphasised the cultural crisis the discipline is suffering from the second half or the past century. The inclusion of the previously accumulated architecture knowledge is specially complex in the case of algorithm-based, self-generated architectural designs processes. The aim of the present article is to propose the use of the manifesto, understood as a clearly structured and brief propositional text, as cultural vehicle suitable for calculus based architectural design processes. To achieve that, it is necessary first to understand and narrow down the genre, dissecting it later, so that its elemental parts would enrich the parametric variety that feeds the algorithmic connections of the digital architectural design.


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