Rites and landmarks in a hydrologial community in the Rosal Valley
autopoietic communities, the commons, water, hamlet, hydraulic spaceAbstract
In certain specific unstable and complex environments, a community is capable of putting aside competitive dynamics and managing scarce and renewable resources for the common good. It is precisely these communities-capable of uniting resources and making good use of them-that have the most chance of successfully making spaces habitable that, otherwise would be difficult to achieve.
A case study of a small valley in Galicia-surely extendable to many others-makes clear the importance of rituals which occur with reference to water as mediators between competition and co-operation.
The complex community management of this scarce resource, its proportional and equitable distribution with scarcely any disruption of the natural water cycle, requires small rituals to take place throughout the dry season which enable and reinforce, and this is very important, this co-operation.
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