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Jose María Echarte Ramos
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Vol. 8 (2018), Articles, pages 103-126
Submitted: Oct 30, 2017 Accepted: Mar 19, 2018 Published: Nov 13, 2018
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The governing bodies of Spanish architecture were fully consolidated in 1931 with the appearance of the Official Colleges of Architects. These institutions and their administrative and professional tools were largely the result of the medieval guilds, artisanal workshops and the corporatism of the Franco regime (heir of the guilds) and successfully continued operating until 1973. Since then, the successive political, social and economic changes that have taken place in the country have altered the balance of a professional model that, until then, had been practically consistent. From 1970 to 1996, the sector experienced a process of liberalization that continues today and which, for the professionals of architecture, would bring a time of reflection, of information and of taking positions in light of the endemic crisis and the new model of professional architecture, for which the professional market management tools and their institutions were not prepared. The Official Colleges dealt with this introspective task in different ways and their successive approaches to the situation throughout the period ranged from defending the original guild system, a labour and organizational market based on professional architects -somewhat mythicized creators-, to the consideration of changes in order to adapt to a constantly changing Spain; between doing the same things and urgently needing a different result.


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