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Rodrigo Rieiro Díaz
Rodrigo Rieiro Díaz; Arquitecto. M.Arch. Ph.D candidate. Departamento de Ideación Gráfica Arquitectónica, ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain.
Vol. 8 (2018), Articles, pages 79-102
Submitted: Oct 30, 2017 Accepted: Mar 21, 2018 Published: Nov 13, 2018
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There has been a renewal of public interest in alternative and collective housing models in the post-2008 real estate crisis context. However, it remains a certain mutual incomprehension between the architectural discipline and the radically different housing experiences. Thereupon, this article traces the tradition of practices that, between commune and cohousing, have tried to move towards anti-authoritarian forms of human accommodation, focusing in the particularly long-lasting and successful cases that arose in the seventies in the Nordic countries. From their study, the concept of tranhousing is suggested as a tool both to reinterpret the old experiments of the future, and to help the new attempts to achieve their goal of becoming the past of a better future.


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