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  • Antonio S. Río Vázquez
Antonio S. Río Vázquez
Vol. 2 (2012), Articles, pages 19-26
Submitted: Jul 8, 2015 Accepted: Jul 8, 2015
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Institutional architecture has a fundamental role in the process of the recovery of the modernity in Galicia, since it involves the integration of modern principles with a sense of collective identity. The Casas Sindicales in Lugo and Betanzos (1959-1961), designed by Rodolfo Ucha Donate are two of the earliest and materialized examples of this process, where the institution obtains an architectural approach that serves to the constructive and methodological aspects of its time, while collects invariants of Galician vernacular architecture.


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Norberg-Schulz, Christian. Los principios de la arquitectura moderna. Barcelona: Reverté, 2005.

Ruiz Cabrero, Gabriel. Legado Francisco de Asís Cabrero. Madrid: Fundación COAM, 2007.

Ucha Donate, Rodolfo. “Casa Sindical Provincial. Lugo”. Hogar y Arquitectura 42, 1962.

Ucha Donate, Rodolfo. “Casa Sindical de Betanzos. La Coruña”. Hogar y Arquitectura 18, 1959.