Designing the landscape of the huerta of Alicante through speculative design and affirmative cartographies




practice based research, landscape narrative, affirmative ethics, speculative fabulation, huerta


The article presents the huerta of Alicante, a traditional irrigated landscape on the verge of disappearance, and a practice-based research with the project ‘Camins de l'Aigua’. In this landscape architecture project, we have used graphic and narrative tools to reconstruct an imaginary that makes the task of water management desirable again, but in different ways. We explain how we have avoided the dangers of nostalgia associated with the promotion of heritage landscapes by using the theories of feminist scholars Donna Haraway and Rosi Braidotti, namely speculative fabulation and affirmative cartographies. The former helped us to improve the technique of narratives of the more-than-human we encountered in the field. The latter has helped us to activate the critical potential of the landscape even in a tourism and cultural promotion context, while maintaining an affirmative ethic.


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How to Cite

Gisbert Alemany, Ester, Enrique Nieto Fernández, Alfonso M. Cuadrado Mulero, and María Ayara Mendo Pérez. 2024. “Designing the Landscape of the Huerta of Alicante through Speculative Design and Affirmative Cartographies”. Boletín Académico. Revista De investigación Y Arquitectura contemporánea 14 (December). A Coruña:70-95.


