Humanitarian borders and the continuum of sexual violence: unlikely continuities in women's mobility


  • Almudena Cortés Maisonave a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:33:"Universidad Complutense de Madrid";}



gender, refugee studies, humanitarian borders, feminist perspective


This article aims to present an analysis from a feminist perspective of the implications of humanitarian border work in migration contexts. Humanitarian borders are areas where aid and rescue practices have merged with surveillance and rejection. It is striking that one of the least addressed analytical perspectives in the construction of humanitarian border work is the feminist and gender perspective, giving rise to an important gap in critical scientific literature. Based on the ethnographic fieldwork carried out, the continuum of sexual violence has been identified as a common axis to two apparently unconnected topics: the situation of refugee and migrant women and the situation of female humanitarian workers. The analysis presented here is the result of two ethnographic investigations carried out in Madrid (Spain) and Mexico City and Puebla (Mexico) between 2021 and 2024.


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How to Cite

Cortés Maisonave, A. (2024). Humanitarian borders and the continuum of sexual violence: unlikely continuities in women’s mobility. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 9(2), 02–32.



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