Literary Pathways of Ecofeminism in Galicia and Ireland


  • Manuela Palacios González Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Filoloxía, Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemá, Santiago de Compostela



ecofeminismo, literature, Galicia, Irland, diversity, body, animality, patriarchy, global warming


This section brings together a number of present-day women writers from Galicia and Ireland who reflect upon the ecofeminist dimension of their writing. In their contributions, they identify the main current debates on the relationship between women and nature in a medium, like literature, that is especially privileged not just to represent the world but to imagine and configure it in alternative forms that may be less destructive towards otherness. These women writers of fiction and poetry share an ecoregion, the Atlantic one, that faces similar challenges, although even from their sundry differences, these authors contribute reflections, which are of mutual relevance to both communities, about women and their bodies, women in rural communities, women and animality, anthropomorphisim, and climate change.


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Author Biography

Manuela Palacios González, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Filoloxía, Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemá, Santiago de Compostela

Manuela Palacios González (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Filoloxía, Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemá, Santiago de Compostela, España. Enderezo electrónico: ORCID: Dirixiu cinco proxectos de investigación sobre as escritoras galegas e irlandesas actuais financiados polo Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación e editou e coeditou varios libros sobre esta cuestión: Pluriversos (2003), Palabras extremas (2008), Writing Bonds (2009), Creation, Publishing and Criticism (2010), To the Winds Our Sails (2010) Forked Tongues (2012), Six Galician Poets (2016), Migrant Shores (2017) e Ανθολογία Νέων Γαλικιανών Ποιητών - Antoloxía De Poesía Galega Nova (2019). Outras publicacións inclúen traducións de poesía e narrativa europea e árabe, monografías sobre as imaxes pictóricas na obra de Virginia Woolf, sobre Richard III de Shakespeare e artigos sobre ecocrítica. 


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Andrés, Tamara e Viso, Marcos (2020a). Distancias. Vigo: Galaxia.

Andrés, Tamara e Viso, Marcos (2020b). Tan preto. Poio, Pontevedra: Concello de Poio.

Bewick, Pauline (1995). The Yellow Man. Dublín: Wolfhound Press.

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Fernández Rial, Rosalía (2020), Árbores no deserto. Vigo: Galaxia.

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Hand, Eithne (2021). Fox Trousers. Cliffs of Moher: Salmon Poetry.

Hughes, Langston (1951). Montage of a Dream Deferred. Nova York: Henry Holt and Company.

Kinsella, Alice (ed.) (2021). Empty House. Aille, Inverin: Doire Press.

MacCarthy, Catherine Phil (1994). This Hour of the Tide. Dublín: Salmon Publishing.

MacCarthy, Catherine Phil (1998). the blue globe. Belfast: Blackstaff Press.

MacCarthy, Catherine Phil (2007). Suntrap. Belfast: Blackstaff Press.

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María do Cebreiro (2008). Nuestro cuerpo es un campo de batalla. El sentido político de la poesía gallega escrita por mujeres. EN Manuela Palacios González e Helena González Fernández (eds.) Palabras extremas: Escritoras gallegas e irlandesas de hoy (pp. 99-107). A Coruña: Netbiblo.

Medbh, Máighréad (2016). Parvit of Agelast. Dublín: Arlen House.

Ní Churreáin, Annemarie (2017). Bloodroot. Aille, Inverin: Doire Press.

Ní Churreáin, Annemarie (2021). Poison Glen. Loughcrew, Oldcastle: The Gallery Press.

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O’Donnell, Mary (1990). Reading the Sunflowers in September. Auburn, Upper Fairhill: Salmon Poetry.

O’Donnell, Mary (1999). The Elysium Testament. Empire House, Piccadilly, London, UK: Trident Press.

O’Donnell, Mary (2020). Massacre of the Birds. Cliffs of Moher: Salmon Poetry.

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Quinby, Lee (1990). Ecofeminism and the Politics of Resistance. EN Irene Diamond e Gloria Fernan Orenstein (eds.), Reweaving the World: The Emergence of Ecofeminism (pp. 122-127). San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.

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Souto, Lorena (2018). Coleópteros. Santiago de Compostela: Chan da Pólvora.

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How to Cite

Palacios González, M. (2023). Literary Pathways of Ecofeminism in Galicia and Ireland. Atlánticas. Revista Internacional De Estudios Feministas, 8(1), 214–247.



Special Issue